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Sections 20 (c) and 8 Constitution of Pakistan, Article 199 Constitutional Jurisdiction High Court Scope Bilateral Constitution Jurisdiction Scope Jurisdiction Availability of appropriate and alternative remedies Impact of fares Determined premises by local Commissioner Scope Landworld Inspection of affiliate shops. The rental controller accepted the request to inspect and rent the site and affiliate shops, and appointed Nazir to the district court as the tenant as a tenant that the rent controller personally determined. Had to inspect the place but could not find such strength. Be assigned to another person / officer. Valdetta Rent Controller and Appellate Authority were authorized to inspect this site only and no one else, no request was made by the landlord to appoint a commissioner to inspect the shops. The rental controller can take any number of ways. Was legal and not in breach of the law The Train of Rent Controller committed a permanent error in respect of a delegation of powers of inquiry to the District Court that was not valid under the law, and it assigned the commissioner Directed to inspect shops / premises as well as the rent controller exceeded its limit and the order was invalid and illegal which was approved without authorization, the rental controller or the appellate authority has no authority Was granted any of its inspection powers under section 20 (c) of the Sindh Rated Premises Ordinance 1979 Submit to another person if the Commissioner reports. This is considered by the Rent Controller
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